In case of emergency, you can press the SOS button on the Tracker to send a message to your close ones to let them know that you need help. They’ll receive a notification that you’re in trouble and information about your location.
Emergency contacts
First of all, you need to let the app know who will be your trusted contacts.
1. Open GeoZilla app
2. Open My Devices section from the left-side menu
3. Choose your GeoZilla GPS Tracker from the list of devices
4. Open Settings section from the top-right corner
5. Open SOS Alerts section
6. Tap Add, select contacts and confirm their phone numbers
How to send SOS Alert
SOS button is located in the center of the Tracker and marked respectively. The button needs to be pressed and held for 4 seconds to activate an alert. This helps prevent false SOS alerts.
If your trusted contact has GeoZilla app installed, they’ll get an app notification. In case they don’t have an app on their device, they’ll receive a text message.
Still have questions? Drop us a line at We’ll be glad to help you.